How to Fix 0x0000004F Error on Windows? [Solved]


It has been seen that from quite some time, a lot of Windows users have experienced an STOP 0x0000004F error. Although this error is nothing serious but a lot of people faces difficulty with it and are unable to fix it. That’s why we are here to help you guys to fix this error with few simple steps –

Try Shutting Down or Restarting PC

One of the most obvious and the quickest method that works for a lot of people is either shutting down their PC or restarting it. You can try this as it will help the CPU to get rid of temporary errors and along with that, it will also help your CPU to cool down. Most of the times, this method works for majority of people out there.

Check your Hard Drive

If you are unable to fix this issue by shutting down your computer, then you guys can check your hard drive. Sometimes, it has been seen that our hard drives gets corrupted or infected due to some kind of error and this is the reason why it starts showing STOP 0x0000004F error. Here are the steps through which you can check this –

  1. First of all, you need to click on Start as it will open the complete menu for you.
  2. From here, click on “Command Prompt” and it will open another menu for you on the right hand side. From there, you need to click on “Run as Administrator”.
  3. Once you click on “Run as Administrator”, it will open another window for you and here you need to type “chkdsk c:/r” and then press Enter. After this type “Y” and then press the enter key again.
  4. It will now start scanning your hard disk and the process might take anywhere in between 10 to 20 minutes. Once it is done scanning, you will be able to know whether your hard disk is having any error or not.

Update Graphics Drivers

One thing that all of you should keep in mind is whether your PC’s driver is updated or not. Here are the steps through which you can easily update this –

  1. For this, you will have to first go to the Start menu and from there, search for “Device Manager” and then open it.
  2. In the Device Manager, you need to search for Display Driver and under that, you will find graphic driver. In order to update it, you need to right-click on it and it will take you to another window.
  3. Now in this new window, there are different sections and you need to click on “Search automatically for drivers” and it will now start looking for all the latest updates. Once you are done updating, you shall not face this error again.

Fix This Error 0x0000004F on PC Through Command

One of the best method that most of the people use to fix this error is through Command Prompt. Here is how you can do this –

  1. Here also your first step will be to open the Start menu and there search for “Command Prompt” and click on that.
  2. When you click on command prompt, you will see another menu and from there, click on “Run as Administrator”.
  3. It will now open the command window for you and here you need to type “SFC/scannow” and then press Enter. Now the scanning process will start and you will be able to know what the error is.

Try any of these steps and it will definitely help you to fix STOP 0x0000004F error.

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